Each adoptee will also have some money in the bank $15 - $200.The candidates will either be a beginner or novice at their jobs. You may want to adopt a candidate with a high daily salary initially of $70 or more per day initially. Each adoptee already has a job making $15 - $105 a day.
It's best to choose a candidate that is between 20 and 27 years old for your first adoptee.
Each adoptee will be between 20 and 30 years old. Once you pass a possible adoptee/candidate by choosing the "try again" button, he/she will no longer be a possible candidate to adopt. There are many people to choose from for adoption. It's recommended to not leave your family without your direction until the house and weeds are picked up they have plenty of food in the refrigerator and the adults have completed several work cycles. Virtual Families is a non-linear game meaning most of the goals don't have to be completed in a specific order. the family sitting down to a meal will not increase their "fed" level. If your family is in the middle of sitting down to meal and you switch to a different family or exit the game. If you're playing more than one family at a time in the game, your little friends must complete their actions for those actions to take effect before switching to a different family. It will take several to many generations to complete all the trophies. Your adult friends have to have a child in order for the game to continue.the game ends when there is no next generation to pass the house and bank account to. You can cycle through some of the behavior options for your little friends by selecting them and then releasing them until you receive the behavior/action you're looking for. #Virtual families 2 cheats free rooms full
Let your little friends sleep on their own for a full continuous 6-8 hours at night by quitting and exiting the game for 6-8 continuous hours.Should you need to abandon the game longer than 2 days it's best to pause the game. You can leave your little friends alone for a couple of days usually without too many detrimental issues as long as there is enough food in the refrigerator.If you reverse the day/night schedule 8 AM your time will be 8 PM game time. If it's 8 AM your time it's 8 AM game time unless you select the "reverse day/night" option under the options menu. The time in the game coincides with your time.Pause the game by pressing the space bar or by choosing the pause option under the options menu. Virtual Families is a real-time game meaning the game is progressing even when you quit the game.